Doughnut Plant
Doughnut Plant is probably the only bakery I have visited twice in one day. It’s that good. First, there are the yeast donuts, in glazed, jelly-filled, and creme-filled varieties. They’re squarish, faced-sized and unbelievably light, with airy, melty dough under…

Kossar’s Bialys
Update 3/18/09: Kossar’s is no longer open 24 hours. See hours below. I never tasted a bialy before I lived in New York City. Even in New York these cousins to the more-mainstream bagel are hard to come by. Try…

City Bakery Pretzel Croissant
I don’t know of too many baked goods that warrant their own website comparing them to mermaids and unicorns, but City Bakery’s pretzel croissant has one, perhaps deservedly so. A dream-concoction of sweet and savory, the pretzel croissant boasts a…
Pommes Frites Poutine
It’s winter for another month or two, so there’s no better time to partake in the finest of heart-attack snacks, and curl up in front of the TV holding your engorged tummy. I’m talking about poutine. If there’s a reason…
Grandaisy Bakery Pizza
I don’t realize what copious amounts of dairy I consume until I’m out with someone who can’t eat it without getting an upset stomach. I feel a reciprocal pang in my tummy as they scour a menu at some place…