TWA Flight Center
These days flying seems as mundane as taking the bus, unless you find a TSA pat-down exciting, of course. Gone is the glamour of the 1960s when air travel resembled a pleasure cruise, complete with lit cigarettes and sexy stewardesses,…

The Tent of Tomorrow
The Tent of Tomorrow is the closest thing New York City has to an abandoned carnival. A decaying ellipse festooned in candy cane stripes, the structure features 100-foot-tall columns which once supported a translucent plastic suspension roof larger than a…

Update: 5Pointz has been demolished to clear space for new residential towers. Going to 5Pointz is a little like stepping into technicolor Oz. Stumbling onto it, usually while rumbling overhead on the 7 train, is a little bit of a…

Alphonso Mangoes
Perhaps the most eagerly-anticipated fruit export in years, boxes of Indian mangoes have started cropping up in a few city delis, after a 20-year ban. Most Americans have only tasted Mexican or Guatemalan mangoes from the supermarket, whose stringy flesh…

Reputed to be one of the best Thai restaurants in the city, Sripraphai sits on an unassuming block in Woodside, Queens, almost in earshot of the rumbling elevated 7 train. Since a renovation a few years ago, this spot is…