TWA Flight Center
These days flying seems as mundane as taking the bus, unless you find a TSA pat-down exciting, of course. Gone is the glamour of the 1960s when air travel resembled a pleasure cruise, complete with lit cigarettes and sexy stewardesses,…

The High Line at the West Side Rail Yards
If you visit The High Line today it’s pretty hard to imagine what it looked like a few years ago. The elevated railway was built in the 1930s to transport freight trains above the traffic along Manhattan’s Tenth Avenue, which…

Meet The Breeds
This past weekend I rode the escalators down into Javits Center’s underground arena for Meet The Breeds, the world’s largest annual showcase of cats and dogs. Woozy from lack of sleep, clutching a camera that felt like a bowling ball,…

Tompkins Square Dog Halloween Parade 2012
Costumed dogs promenaded through Tompkins Square Park once again this past Saturday in the 22nd Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade. This year’s hot costume themes were the presidential race—including a vengeful Seamus Romney and an unemployed Big Bird—as well as…

Bannerman’s Island
Bannerman’s Island is a rugged, tree-covered rock topped with a crumbling castle and flanked by sunken towers that appear to belong to a drowned fortress. Adrift in the Hudson River a few miles south of Beacon, the castle is only…

The Tent of Tomorrow
The Tent of Tomorrow is the closest thing New York City has to an abandoned carnival. A decaying ellipse festooned in candy cane stripes, the structure features 100-foot-tall columns which once supported a translucent plastic suspension roof larger than a…

Update: 5Pointz has been demolished to clear space for new residential towers. Going to 5Pointz is a little like stepping into technicolor Oz. Stumbling onto it, usually while rumbling overhead on the 7 train, is a little bit of a…

Storm King’s Sugar House
Storm King is one of my favorite arty-zen places in upstate New York, and it’s as good a place as any to chill out and search for one’s photography mojo. The outdoor museum, located about an hour’s drive north of…

Tompkins Square Dog Halloween Parade
The puppies paraded through Tompkins Square Park in their Halloween finest this past Sunday, and once again I joined the camera clicking hordes eager to record the event. This was my fifth year photographing the event and I enjoyed spotting…

Bring to Light NYC
Last night I headed over to Brooklyn to shoot some photos at Bring to Light, a free one-night event featuring light installations and music along the Greenpoint waterfront. This was billed as New York City’s first nuit blanche festival, which…