Van Leeuwen Ice Cream Truck
Update: Van Leeuwen also has a storefront on East 7th St in the East Village The Van Leeuwen Artisan Ice Cream truck sits in a sunbeam on a quiet Soho side-street, like an upscale Mr. Softee patiently waiting to be discovered….

16 Handles
Remember when Tasti D was the king of low-calorie soft-serve? No more. In the past eighteen months, frozen yogurt shops have sprouted all across Manhattan, and the boom shows no signs of slowing. Last month yet another yogurt place, 16…

It’s easy to miss L’asso–maybe it’s the abstract signage. Or maybe it’s the fact that it’s a block away from Lombardi’s, a New York institution. But in case you think they don’t know their pizza, L’asso prides itself on adhering…

Wafels and Dinges
Update: Wafels and Dinges now has a restaurant at 15 Ave B Street-fare Belgian waffles have arrived in Midtown! The Wafels & Dinges truck has migrated uptown to 46th street between 5th and 6th avenue, brightening the days of office dwellers…

Hummus Place
For a long time the word hummus conjured memories of bleak bagged lunches consumed by a sugar-deprived school friend, but I’ve come around since then. Just-opened Hummus Place exemplifies how delicious it can be. The simple menu boasts three of…

Joe’s Pizza
I washed up at Joe’s Pizza for the first time four years ago, after I’d been suckered into going to Misshapes. As we pushed into the party and I saw a barely-twenty-year-old girl with Weimar-era makeup and a sculptural Isabella…

Doughnut Plant
Doughnut Plant is probably the only bakery I have visited twice in one day. It’s that good. First, there are the yeast donuts, in glazed, jelly-filled, and creme-filled varieties. They’re squarish, faced-sized and unbelievably light, with airy, melty dough under…

Kossar’s Bialys
Update 3/18/09: Kossar’s is no longer open 24 hours. See hours below. I never tasted a bialy before I lived in New York City. Even in New York these cousins to the more-mainstream bagel are hard to come by. Try…

City Bakery Pretzel Croissant
I don’t know of too many baked goods that warrant their own website comparing them to mermaids and unicorns, but City Bakery’s pretzel croissant has one, perhaps deservedly so. A dream-concoction of sweet and savory, the pretzel croissant boasts a…