Eastern State Penitentiary
“Shipwreck” is a word that came to mind when visiting Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia, but when it opened in 1829 it was the most modern facility in the world.

Denino’s Pizza
Staten Island is too often the forgotten borough on my food adventures, but its pizza game is so strong, I’ll brave the subway, ferry and bus ride out there. First up was Denino’s, a storied pizzeria that goes back to…

Yes There Are Good Tacos in NYC
I’ve heard people complain that there are no good tacos in New York City–particularly West Coasters who are the worst snobs when it comes to Mexican food. But I’d counter that NYC has really stepped up its taco game in…

Coney Island Mermaid Parade 2014
The Coney Island Mermaid Parade is one of my favorite events in the city: it’s like our own mini version of Mardi Gras with a slightly seedy nautical flavor that’s all Coney Islands’s own.

Inside the Tent of Tomorrow!
The Tent of Tomorrow in Flushing Meadows is New York City’s most infamous ruin, a decaying modernist carnival of a building ripped from a science fiction novel. While I’d viewed it from close range, it’s been locked to visitors for…

Magic Gardens
At first glance, the Magic Gardens in Philadelphia looks like the world’s most impossible game of Jenga. The towering jumble of brick, tile, and flea market junk travels along half a block on South Street, practically daring an errant wind…