Hummus Place
For a long time the word hummus conjured memories of bleak bagged lunches consumed by a sugar-deprived school friend, but I’ve come around since then. Just-opened Hummus Place exemplifies how delicious it can be. The simple menu boasts three of…

Joe’s Pizza
I washed up at Joe’s Pizza for the first time four years ago, after I’d been suckered into going to Misshapes. As we pushed into the party and I saw a barely-twenty-year-old girl with Weimar-era makeup and a sculptural Isabella…

Doughnut Plant
Doughnut Plant is probably the only bakery I have visited twice in one day. It’s that good. First, there are the yeast donuts, in glazed, jelly-filled, and creme-filled varieties. They’re squarish, faced-sized and unbelievably light, with airy, melty dough under…

Kossar’s Bialys
Update 3/18/09: Kossar’s is no longer open 24 hours. See hours below. I never tasted a bialy before I lived in New York City. Even in New York these cousins to the more-mainstream bagel are hard to come by. Try…

City Bakery Pretzel Croissant
I don’t know of too many baked goods that warrant their own website comparing them to mermaids and unicorns, but City Bakery’s pretzel croissant has one, perhaps deservedly so. A dream-concoction of sweet and savory, the pretzel croissant boasts a…

Artichoke Basille
The lack of decent pizza slice joints in the East Village has been a long-standing gripe of mine. I’ve been eyeing Artichoke Basille, and the line snaking out its door, since it opened about a month ago. Although I usually…
Pommes Frites Poutine
It’s winter for another month or two, so there’s no better time to partake in the finest of heart-attack snacks, and curl up in front of the TV holding your engorged tummy. I’m talking about poutine. If there’s a reason…